Why We're Different

Specialization. The experts at IACT focus exclusively on patient and staff education — delivering comprehensive programs specially designed for the disciplines we serve. We innovated this category of product and have set the standard for case presentation since 1993. Our art department is actively led by a full-time, in-house orthodontist, and this shows through in the accuracy and depth of our work.
Design. CasePresenter is in a class by itself being designed to support well-sequenced presentations. Patients want to know "why I need treatment" and "what strategy will give the best outcome" before you talk about "how" you plan to treat. Our program stands alone in its ability to connect with patients on the need and logic for treatment and this makes a powerful difference in getting patients motivated and excited about treatment.
Content. We have the most extensive, high-quality multimedia library in the industry. Our program supports images in four different races - Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic and Black. Our movies are available in seven different languages - English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Portuguese.